Friday, February 21, 2020

Ethical Marketing Solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Marketing Solutions - Essay Example While the easiest solution for all these ethical issues is to tackle them head-on, it becomes complicated when the companies consider the profits they make. Best way for McDonald’s to tackle the obesity problem is to stop making fast foods altogether. The problem comes in when this is their main commodity and all their food chains around the world deal in fast foods. Several lawsuits against McDonald’s have been listened to in court but they end up paying for damages instead of being stopped from making these deadly fast foods. In appropriate adverts are trending worldwide with huge companies selling their products through sexual appeal and violence. All these should receive bans in order to be ethically appropriate but they prefer the market coverage to the ethics. Cigarette manufacturer, Philip Morris is the fifth most unethical company due to its marketing strategies. In the past, the company has targeted children and exploited their vulnerability to addictive habits. The company has also employed underage girls to handout free Marlboro cigarettes to children at clubs and concerts. On top of this unethical marketing, the company issued a report in the Czech Republic saying that premature smokers deaths have ‘positive effects’ because they save governments money (, 2013). The above-mentioned company is my point of interest in this study, just as part of the ethical issues associated with tobacco smoking. An epidemic broke out in the year 2003 known as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). This syndrome caused thousands of death and the world health organization had to respond in finding the causative agent. The disease vectors discovered originated in a country that was hesitant to ban their production. They were still smuggled out of the country in order for the company responsible to cut their losses. After the vectors landed in another country, they were legally on sale therefore

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Free Movement of Goods Article 34 and 36 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Free Movement of Goods Article 34 and 36 - Essay Example The aspect of measures can also include the inaction of a State to stop private individuals’ acts, which prevent the free movement of goods (The College of Law 2012, p200). The ECJ described the expression of quantitative restriction as measures that amount to partial or total restraint of, based on the circumstances, exports, imports or goods in transit. There are two laws that apply in this category but in this case, the most applicable law is the outright ban enforced by a Member State (Spain) on imports from another Member State (The College of Law 2012, p201). Free Pork Ltd plans to begin selling its products in Spain have been hampered by the law that requires the sale of sausages produced from humanely reared pigs to be checked by Spanish Sausage Checkers (SSC). If the sausages are not checked by SSC, the law prohibits its sales in Spain. However, the process of verifying whether the sausages have those conditions is usually lengthy. Therefore, Free Pork can challenge t his Spanish law. There is also a law that requires the name of the company not to use words that imply health or fitness. Free Pork can also challenge this law because it restricts the importation of goods and can affect the brand image of the company. The SSC is a form of a licencing system, which according to the articles, subjects the import of merchandises to the condition of getting an import licence. Even in situations where the application for an import licence is regarded a mere formality; it is a Quantitative Restriction. This is because is simply a mechanism in which imports can be restricted. In practice, it is very rare for the Member States laws to result to quantitative restrictions. The ban on exports or imports between Member States is only found in unusual circumstances (The College of Law 2012, p201). Therefore, failure by Free Pork Ltd to meet the conditions set by the Spanish laws is an outright ban on exporting sausages to this Member State. As stated earlier, t he ban only happens in unusual circumstances, and thus, Free Pork can challenge the law because an unusual circumstance lacks, which prohibits it from exporting the goods to Spain. The directive was important in developing a brief wording of the Article 34 TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) and it continues to offer guidance on the measures that can constitute a breach of Article 34 TFEU prohibitions. Article 2(1) of the directive describes a class of measures (for instance, national laws) that treat imported goods and domestic goods differently. They are commonly referred to as distinctly applicable measures. Article 3 of the directive describes a class of national laws that apply equally to imported and domestic products. These laws have a restrictive impact and they are commonly referred to as indistinctly applicable (The College of Law 2012, p202). Therefore, the directive classifies both indistinctly and distinctly applicable measures as measures that have a n impact equivalent to restrictions on imports. From the statement, it can be stated that a national law can become MEQR (Measures having Equivalent effect to a Quantitative Restriction) regardless of whether it â€Å"discriminates against imported products or appears to treat them in the same way as domestic products but is in